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Merlin ____________________ his crystal ball across the table
Gradually , it became a ball of ____________________ light until it stopped in the centre of the table . Inside the light , a golden cup with a long thin ____________________ appeared .
" Observe it , all of you . It is the ____________________ Grail , and it holds the secrets of truth and ____________________ . Find it , and peace will ____________________ to England . "
Thunder shook the walls of the ____________________ and it began to rain . Merlin and the Grail had disappeared . It became dark . Arthur ____________________ his men to search for the Grail which would again ____________________ England . He felt the ____________________ of Lancelot as he sat next to his ____________________ seat , and he too left the Round Table .
Merlin believed he had made a mistake by showing Morgan the ____________________ of humans . He returned to Avalon to see if he was ____________________ .
Morgan was training a small boy to fight like a ____________________ . She had stolen him as a new - born child to ____________________ him as the new leader of England who would carry out her ____________________ .
" Morgan , you've ____________________ me . It must stop . " " Stop ? But do you not see this son of mine , Mordred ? He will one day rule with a power you have never ____________________ ! "
Merlin raised his hand to destroy what he had helped create in Morgan , but she turned herself into a mirror , and his spell was ____________________ back on him , banishing him from the earth forever .
Morgan turned back into the woman she was , and looked at her ____________________ child .
" Mordred , now nothing will come between you and the ____________________ . "