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But Mister Fruit does not ____________________ . He does not ____________________ them any money . 'You're ____________________ , father ! ' says Sara . 'You're ____________________ the customers ! I don't want to work for you . I don't want to ____________________ at the market ! ' 'But you ____________________ work for me , Sara , ' says her father . 'I have no ____________________ ! I have no wife , and no ____________________ . Children must help their ____________________ . You are my ____________________ , Sara . You must work for me . That's life ! ' 'No , father , ' says Sara . 'I don't want to ____________________ your house . I want to ____________________ home . I don't want to ____________________ your food . I want to get a ____________________ job ! I'm not going to work for you . ' Sara's father is ____________________ . 'Go to bed ! ' he ____________________ at her . Sara goes to ____________________ .