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Learn this ! Preset Perfect ( affirmative ) : irregular
Many verbs have irregular past partciple forms . There are no specific rules , but you can divide them in groups to remember them more easily .

Group 3 : participles from the Simple Past Forms
a . The past partciple forms of all these verbs are their Simple Past Forms : ( regular vebs also follow this rule )
buy - bought - BOUGHT / bring - brought - BROUGHT / build - built - BUILT
feel - felt - FELT / fight - fought - FOUGHT / find - found - FOUND / have / has - had - HAD
hold - held - HELD / hang - hung - HUNG / keep - kept - KEPT / make - made - MADE
mean - meant - MEANT / meet - met - MET / lead - led - LED / leave - left - LEFT
lend - lent - LENT / loose - lost - LOST / pay - paid - PAID / say - said - SAID
send - sent - SENT / sell - sold - SOLD

b . The past partciple forms of all these verbs are their Simple Past Forms + " n " :
bite - bit - BITTEN / break - broke - BROKEN / choose - chose - CHOSEN / forget - forgot - FORGOTTEN
get - got - GOTTEN / freeze - froze - FROZEN / hide - hid - HIDDEN / speak - spoke - SPOKEN / steal - stole - STOLEN

Complete these sentences with the correct verb in past participle :

1 . I've ____________________ my keys again . Luckly , my mom's ____________________ a copy near the door and she's ____________________ me where it is . The thing is that I've ____________________ where they are .
2 . I've finally ____________________ my old toys . The person who's bought them lives in Chelsea so I've ____________________ a package by mail .
3 . My sister's ____________________ me 2 pounds and I've ____________________ another one , so I've already paid my bills and ____________________ that debt in the past .
4 . Nora's met the coach who has ____________________ her during her online training . Now that they've finally ____________________ face to face she's ____________________ to continue training at the gym .
5 . Robbers have ____________________ my stuff twice . Both times , I've frozen and ____________________ in tears , I've ____________________ really scared of wandering on the street since then .