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Daughter :          I don't know where my house keys are . I want to go outside to play

       Mom :          Mm ? they are ____________________ top of the kitchen table .

Daughter :         Okay ? . No , they aren't . Where are they ?

       Mom :          Maybe they're ____________________ ____________________ your TV set

Daughter :         Okay ? . I just looked and they are not there .

       Mom :          Maybe they're ____________________ your desk in you room .

Daughter :          No they're not ____________________ .

       Mom :          Mm . . . you need to look harder What about ____________________ your jacket ?

Daughter :          Okay ? nothing . Where can they be ?

       Mom :          Look ____________________ your computer and the books or ____________________ your bed or somewhere ____________________ your bedroom .

Daughter :          Oh , finally They were ____________________ the backpack I used yesterday

       Mom :          Mm see . You just have to look a little hard .

Daughter :          OK . Thanks . Love you , bye

       Mom :          Be home before 6 : 00

Daughter :          Okay .