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Exercises 1 .
A . Where do you keep your photos ?
B . Well , I keep mine in a box under my bed .
My syster keeps ____________________ in ana álbum . My parents
put ____________________ in frames on the Wall , and my brother
throws ____________________ on the floor !

Exercises 2 .
A . Do you ever lise your keys ? I'm always losing ____________________ .
B . No . We always keep ____________________ on top of the refrigerator .

Exercises 3 .
A . What do you do with your old clothes ?
B . Sometimes I give things to a frined of ____________________ .
My sisters keep ____________________ for years . But my mom gives ____________________ to charity .

Exercises 4 .
A . How long do you keep your credit card receipts ?
B . Jus till the bill comes . How long do you keep ____________________ ?
A . I keep ____________________ for months .