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Complete the dialogue with the correct tense of the verbs in parenthesis .

A : What ____________________ we ____________________ tonight ? ( do )
B : We ____________________ ____________________ dinner with Diego and Luz ( have )
A : But we ____________________ dinner with them last week ! ( have )
A : Yes , but they ____________________ to tell us some good news . ( want )
B : Oh , ok then . I ____________________ ____________________ them some flowers . ( buy )
. . .
. . .
A : It's 8 o'clock ! Where ____________________ you now ? ( be )
B : Sorry , when I ____________________ ____________________ home , I ____________________ to buy the flowers , and then I ____________________ Mark in the store . . . ( walk , stop , see )
A : Well hurry up ! We ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ late ! ( be )
B : It's ok , I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ a taxi , and I ____________________ ____________________ ready in five minutes . ( already call , be )