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Long - distance travel can be difficult for anyone , but it used to be even more
challenging . Yet ____________________ the difficulty , people have always wanted to see and
learn about ____________________ regions . These three brave explorers did exactty that ?
hundreds ot years ago ! The result was an ____________________ of ____________________ and culture
that changed the world .

Marco Polo ( 1254 - 1324 ) We don't know exactly when and where Marco Polo
was born , but he lived in Venice and Genoa , in what is now Italy , and he traveled
east ? far ____________________ the borders of Europe into Asía . The stories he ____________________
atter his travels seem to mix together fact and tiction , but they ____________________ other
European explorers , including Christopher Columbus .

lbn Battuta ( 1304 - 1369 ) lbn Battuta was a ____________________ traveler . Born in Morocco ,
he visited most of the Muslim world ? North Atrica , the Middle East , and East
Africa ? as well as South Asia , including Sri Lanka and India , and even China .
Battuta's goal was to ____________________ for knowledge and new experiences , and his stories
taught people about other parts ot the world at a time when few people traveled .
Zheng He ( 1371 - 1433 ) The ____________________ of Zheng He took him by sea

trom China west to the Middle East and Africa . According to stories , Zheng
commanded enormous ____________________ more than 400 feet ( 122 m ) long ? much , much
larger than other ships of the time , The size of the ships was probably helpful
for ____________________ , as well as tor carrying military people and ____________________ ,