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IRON . A metal that forms minerals like ____________________ when combined with ____________________ , and ____________________ when combined with ____________________ . A mixture of ____________________ and ____________________ is used to ____________________ ____________________ .
SILICON . The second most abundant element in the Earth´s ____________________ . It is usually found combined with other elements , such as ____________________ . Silicon is used in the ____________________ of ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ .
CHLORINE . A ____________________ at room temperature . It combines with ____________________ to form ____________________ ____________________ , wich is very abundant in ____________________ . Chlorine is the main component of ____________________ ( table salt )
MAGNESIUM . A metal found in the composition of minerals like ____________________ or ____________________ . It is also found in the form of ____________________ in seawater . It is used in ____________________ because it produces a ____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ .
CALCIUM . A metal that is an essential component of ____________________ , the principal component of ____________________ . Calcium is found in living things : in ____________________ , ____________________ , teeth and ____________________ . Limestone is used in ____________________ ; for example , the ____________________ of Egypt .
ALUMINIUM . A soft metal found in minerals like ____________________ . When combined with ____________________ or ____________________ , it produces strong , ____________________ metals . These are used in the ____________________ of parts for ____________________ and ____________________