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Last Friday ____________________ ( be ) a lucky day . First , early in the morning , I ____________________ ( go ) out for some exercise and I ____________________ ( run ) into an old good friend . We ____________________ ____________________ ( talk ) for a while and ____________________ ( decide ) to meet in his house the next weekend . Then , when I ____________________ ____________________ ( walk ) to work , I ____________________ ( find ) a golden ring on the sidewalk . Later , while I ____________________ ____________________ ( have ) lunch , I ____________________ ( get ) a phone call from my wife . She ____________________ ( tell ) me that we ____________________ ( be ) the winners of an incredible prize . We ____________________ ( win ) a trip for two to the Bahamas ! In the afternoon , when I ____________________ ____________________ ( write ) a report , my boss ____________________ ( come ) to me to tell me that I ____________________ ( be ) chosen as the best employee of the month . Finally , when I ____________________ ( get ) home in the evening , my wife ____________________ ____________________ ( open ) a huge wrapped gift ! ! It ____________________ ( be ) a present from my parents in law and guess what ! ! . . . It ____________________ ( be ) a brand new 50 inch TV . It really ____________________ ( be ) a lucky day .