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1 . There was a time ____________________ brides' bouquets consisted of garlic and dill to protect them from the Plague .
2 . In Norway , brides used to wear crowns of silver or gold with bangles that tinkled ____________________ they moved to ward off evil spirits .
3 . On the second night of a wedding in Germany there's a dinner party ____________________ guests break old dishes for good luck .
4 . Parents in Germany used to plant trees ____________________ girls were born . They would later sell the trees to pay for the wedding .
5 . The custom of tiered cakes emerged from a game ____________________ the bride and groom attempted to kiss over an ever - higher cake without knocking it over .
6 . The Romans used to believe ____________________ brides were vulnerable to enchantment so they would wear flame - colored veils to confuse the spirits .
7 . Before they marry , Indian brides attend mehndi parties ____________________ their hands , arms and feet are painted with henna .
8 . Couples wear wedding rings on the fourth finger of their left hands , ____________________ it is a believed a vein runs from there directly to the heart .
9 . In Sweden the bride wears shoes ____________________ have either a silver and a gold coin to symbolize wealth and luck .
10 . The tradition of a wedding cake comes from ancient Rome , ____________________ revelers broke a loaf of bread over a bride's head for fertility's sake .