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Saludar a un conocido .
? Hi , ____________________ are you doing ?
? Hi , I'm fine , ____________________ . How are you ?
? I'm ____________________ , thanks .
? Hello , ____________________ are you ?
? Hi , I'm ____________________ , thanks .
Iniciar una conversación con un desconocido
? ____________________ me , could you tell me what ____________________ it is ?
? Is this seat ____________________ ?
? No
? Do you mind if I seat ____________________ ?
? No at all .
? ____________________ , do you know how to get to Hyde Park ?
? Yes , it's ____________________ blocks in that direction .
? Thank you .
? Do you know ____________________ I can find Mr . David ?
? Yes , he's in his ____________________ .
? Thank ____________________ .
Llamar a alguien por teléfono .
? ____________________ ?
? Hello , is Ana ____________________ ?
? Yes , I'll ____________________ her for you .
? Hello ?
? Hello , can I ____________________ to John , ____________________ ?
? Yes , I'll put him ____________________ .