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Once upon a time there was an immigrant to America named ____________________ , Juan was from El Salvador , El Salvador is a ____________________ in Central America . Juan came to the United States for ____________________ , Juan wanted to become a ____________________ to help the people in his ____________________ country . When Juan arrived in ____________________ he decided he also wanted to become a US ____________________ . Juan thought it was great that Americans had ____________________ , like ____________________ of ____________________ & freedom of the ____________________ . Because Juan was not ____________________ in the America he had to go through the ____________________ ____________________ . There are many ____________________ in the process , the ____________________ is learning to read & ____________________ in ____________________ . Juan eventually learned that , then he had to take a ____________________ about American history and ____________________ . At last Juan could become a citizen ! The day finally came for Juan's ceremony , he ____________________ his hand and ____________________ his ____________________ to the United States . Juan had finally ____________________ a US citizen .