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1a . Eating blueberries may improve your concentration .
1b . Your concentration ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ by eating blueberries .

2a . Eating cherries alleviates headaches .
2b . Headaches ____________________ ____________________ by eating cherries .

3a . Drinking ginger tea could reduce cholesterol and may diminish the risk of heart disease .
3b . Cholesterol levels ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and the risk of heart disease ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

4a . Drinking hibiscus tea has lowered some people's blood pressure .
4b . Some people's blood pressure ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ by drinking hibiscus tea .

5a . Avocados prevents the skin from aging .
5b . The skin ____________________ ____________________ from aging by avocados .

6a . Mushrooms boost the immune system .
6b . The immune system ____________________ ____________________ by mushrooms .

7a . Chili peppers might increase weight loss .
7b . Weight loss ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ by chili peppers .

8a . Drinking eucalyptus tea cleared her sinuses when she had a cold .
8b . When she had a cold , her sinuses ____________________ ____________________ by drinking eucalyptus tea .

9a . You should avoid dairy products if you have a cold .
9b . Dairy products ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ if you have a cold .

10a . Apples remove toxins from your liver .
10b . Toxins ____________________ ____________________ from your liver when you eat apples .