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Sergio : Are you OK ? ____________________ you ____________________ ( hurt ) yourself ?
Sophie : No , I'm fine . Don't worry .
Sergio : It's Sophie , isn't it ? We ____________________ ( meet ) last weekend at the market .
Sophie : Yes , I remember . You ____________________ ( buy ) one of my T - shirts .
Sergio : That's right . I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( recognize ) you in your helmet .
Are you sure you're OK ?
Sophie : Yes , no problem .
Sergio : What ____________________ ? ( happen )
Sophie : I ____________________ ( swerve ) to avoid a skateboarder and I ____________________ ( lose ) my balance .
Sergio : I bet you're glad you ____________________ ( wear ) kneepads .
Sophie : Yes , I am . I ____________________ ( fall ) twice yesterday , but I'm beginning to get
the hang of it .
Sergio : When ____________________ you ____________________ learning ? ( start )
Sophie : Not long ago . A Chilean friend ____________________ ( come ) to stay for a few
days over the summer , and she ____________________ ( give ) me some lessons .
Well , I'd better get going .
Sergio : How about getting a cup of coffee first ?
Sophie : I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( have ) breakfast this morning , so I'd love one .