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1 . ____________________ I like him I don't want to spend every evening with him .
2 . She liked him ____________________ she did not want to marry him .
3 . ____________________ John had more years of experience than Peter , he did not get the promotion .
4 . She wanted to go on holiday ____________________ she was short of money .
5 . ____________________ few people participated in the program , it was a commercial success .
6 . I did not understand a thing ____________________ I said nothing .
7 . ____________________ I find it relaxing , I often go to movies .
8 . ____________________ she was short of money she could not buy the ticket .
9 . ____________________ I love him , I always support him .
10 . The last bus had gone ____________________ we had to walk home .
11 . He was upset ____________________ he said nothing .
12 . ____________________ he is a foreigner he cannot find a job easily .