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1 . This book doesn't look very interesting . I think I'll read another ____________________
2 . Are these your shoes ? No , the black ____________________ are mine
3 . Jim's test was a hard ____________________
4 . I think I'll buy this ____________________
5 . Look inside the desk . There should be a black pen , two red ____________________ and three green ____________________ . Get the black ____________________ , please .
6 . When you're taking the test , do the easiest questions first . Save the hard and long ____________________ for later .
7 . I'm going to get an ice cream . Do you want ____________________ ?
8 . Look , those are my CD's . They're the ____________________ in the blue case .
9 . I'd like to go on a roller coaster even bigger than that ____________________ .
10 . Which tea is yours , this ____________________ or that ____________________ ?
11 . I haven't been able to decide on a wallet , but now I think I'll take that ____________________ .