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1 . As far as I'm ____________________ , I think everyone is different .
2 . You should get your ____________________ straight before making such generalizations .
3 . Well , you have a ____________________ there , but I would challenge it .
4 . That's ____________________ what I was thinking !
5 . On a personal ____________________ , I've never been in a situation like that .
6 . But ____________________ you agree that cosmetic surgery can improve someone's life ?
7 . Not to ____________________ the fact that that it's incredibly expensive .
8 . There's no ____________________ that money can make one's life easier .
9 . It does not ____________________ follow that we must do that thing .
10 . I ____________________ whether that's the case .
11 . To make a ____________________ story ____________________ , I was like that back then .