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Steve : So , how's your ____________________ ____________________ going ?
Nela : It's hard to say . It's fun , but I'm not ____________________ much .
Steve : Well , you could look for another class , couldn't you ?
Nela : Maybe . The thing is , I like the ____________________ , but she hardly notices me . She never gives me any feedback .
Steve : Hmm . How can you get her ____________________ ?
Nela : Good ____________________ . I wish I knew . Actually , I'm ____________________ of dropping out .
Steve : Well , before you do that , it would be ____________________ to talk with her , wouldn't it ?
Nela : I'm not sure I want to know what she thinks ! I mean , most of the other students have been acting since they were kids . Do you think that if I'd gotten an an ____________________ start , I'd be a ____________________ actor by now ?
Steve : That's a tough one . I don't know . But you've only been in the class a few weeks . You should at ____________________ give it a chance , shouldn't you ?
Nela : You're right . I guess I should .