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Dear Remedios ,
How are you ? I'm very happy because yesterday I ____________________ to a party with my parents !
My neighbours ____________________ it because they ____________________ to celebrate their son´s birthday . You won´t believe this ! Everyone ____________________ very well dressed . Women ____________________ crinolines under their dresses and beautiful combs on their heads . Some of them also ____________________ fans . Men ____________________ very elegant in suits and hats . I ____________________ to wear a new dress that my aunt ____________________ from her last trip to Europe . It is beautiful !
During the party my mother ____________________ with other women and my father ____________________ cards . There ____________________ a boy playing the piano in the sitting room , so I dances waltzes and minuets most of the times ! It ____________________ a great celebration !
Hope you can go to one of these parties soon ! They are great !
Well , this is all for now . I must go ! I´m meeting my friends in a few minutes to go for a walk around the main square .
Love , Mari a