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1 . The Nile is the longest ____________________ in Africa . It's 6 , 695 kilometers ( 4 , 160 miles ) long .

2 . The largest ____________________ is the Pacific . It covers one - third of the earth ! The deepest part is about 11 , 000 meters ( 36 , 000 feet ) deep .

3 . The largest hot ____________________ is the Sahara in Africa . How large is it ? It's about 9 . 1 million square kilometers ( 3 . 5 million square miles ) .

4 . The highest ____________________ in the world is Mount Everest in Asia . How high is it ? It's 8 , 850 meters ( 29 , 036 feet ) high .

5 . How big is the largest ____________________ ? The Amazon in South America covers about 4 million square kilometers ( 1 . 5 million square miles ) .

6 . The most creative ____________________ is probably Kilauea on the ____________________ of Hawai'i . It has been active since 1983 , and it still erupts every day !