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1 . Listen to the conversation and fill the spaces with the words you hear .

Mark : What are you ( 1 ) ____________________ Fran ?
Fran : Oh ! Hi Mark ! I've just ( 2 ) ____________________ some old family photos .
Mark : Really ? ( 3 ) Can I ____________________ ?
Fran : Yeah , look at this one . That´s my sister Laura with our ( 4 ) ____________________ Bief .
Mark : Bief ? That´s an unusual ( 5 ) ____________________ .
Fran : Yes , his real name ( 6 ) ____________________ John , but everyone in the family ( 7 ) ____________________ him Bief .
I ( 8 ) don't ____________________ why . Oh ! Look at this one , this is a really old photo .
Mark : Who are they ?
Fran : Well , that´s my ( 9 ) ____________________ Walt when he ( 10 ) ____________________ young .
Mark : Walt ? I ( 11 ) ____________________ him from your wedding , and who is that with him ? Is that your ( 12 ) ____________________ Elsie ?
Fran : I don´t know , it doesn't ( 13 ) ____________________ like Elsie , it ( 14 ) ____________________ like her sister Alice , yes ! I think it is Alice hmm she's very pretty and they're ( 15 ) ____________________ hands .
Mark : Hmmm , ( 16 ) ____________________ - Oh ! Look at that one I know who that is !
Fran : Oh yes , that ( 17 ) ____________________ me when I was a baby , I´m with my ( 18 ) ____________________ Sherly I ( 19 ) haven't ____________________ her for years !
Sherly was married to Dave , remember him ? The doctor , but she ( 20 ) ____________________ in France now with her new husband Mussel , I think he's a doctor too .

2 . Write " T " for true and " F " for false .

a . The speakers are talking about Mark's family . ____________________
b . The speakers are looking at some old photos . ____________________
c . Fran's uncle had a nickname . ____________________
d . Fran is married . ____________________
e . Fran sees her cousin Sherly very often . F