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1 . The farmer has a good corn ____________________ this year .
2 . I ____________________ to get my homework done early .
3 . Did you pack your game and other ____________________ in the bag ?
4 . The roses have a nice ____________________ .
5 . Please ____________________ the door .
6 . The glue is still ____________________ .
7 . Dad ____________________ five dollars on a book .
8 . I am hungry for ____________________ .
9 . The ____________________ is huge !
10 . The ____________________ says it is one o'clock .
11 . I gave a ____________________ to my mom .
12 . There are twenty children in the ____________________ .
13 . It is fun to ____________________ along the path at the park .
14 . I like to ____________________ high in the air .
15 . I made the toy cars ____________________ .
16 . Please serve the ____________________ of carrots .
17 . The ____________________ hopped in the pond .
18 . I ate a sweet ____________________ .
19 . What are you ____________________ to do this Saturday ?
20 . Runners ____________________ to the finish line .
21 . The ____________________ of cheese looks delicious .
22 . I will solve this simple math ____________________ .