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1 . What has to be broken before you can use it ?
Answer : An ____________________
2 . - What month of the year has 28 days ?
Answer : ____________________ of them
3 . What is full of holes but still holds water ?
Answer : A ____________________
4 . - What is always in front of you but can't be seen ?
Answer : The ____________________
5 . - What gets wet while drying ?
Answer : A ____________________
6 . - Riddle : What can you keep after giving to someone ?
Answer : Your ____________________
7 . - I shave every day , but my beard stays the same . What am I ?
Answer : A ____________________
8 . - Riddle : You see a boat filled with people , yet there isn't a single person on board . How is that possible ?
Answer : All the people on the boat are ____________________ .
9 . - I have branches , but no fruit , trunk or leaves . What am I ?
Answer : A ____________________
10 . - What can't talk but will reply when spoken to ?
Answer : An ____________________
11 . - What has many keys but can't open a single lock ?
Answer : A ____________________
12 . - I'm light as a feather , yet the strongest person can't hold me for five minutes . What am I ?
Answer : Your ____________________
13 . - Where does today come before yesterday ?
Answer : The ____________________
14 . - If you've got me , you want to share me ; if you share me , you haven't kept me . What am I ?
Answer : A ____________________
15 . - If you're running in a race and you pass the person in second place , what place are you in ?
Answer : ____________________
16 . It belongs to you , but other people use it more than you do . What is it ?
Answer : Your ____________________
17 . - What has hands , but can't clap ?
Answer : A ____________________
18 . - What can you catch , but not throw ?
Answer : A ____________________
19 . - What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner ?
Answer : A ____________________
20 . - Riddle : What has a bottom at the top ?
Answer : Your ____________________
21 . - I am an odd number . Take away a letter and I become even . What number am I ?
Answer : ____________________
22 . - If two's company , and three's a crowd , what are four and five ?
Answer : ____________________
23 , . Which is heavier : a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers ?
Answer : ____________________
24 . - What five - letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it ?
Answer : ____________________
25 . - What begins with an ? e ? and only contains one letter ?
Answer : An ____________________
26 . - What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters ?
Answer : ____________________