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1 . What is the best ____________________ for snoring ?
2 . Do you happen to ____________________ in your sleep ?
3 . When was the last time you slept like a ____________________ ?
4 . Have you ever suffered from ____________________ ?
5 . Do you ever ____________________ out on the sofa ? Why ?
6 . Are you an early ____________________ or a night ____________________ ?
7 . If you have to make a big decision , do you tend to ____________________ on it ?
8 . Do you know anyone who is a ____________________ sleeper and wakes up at the slightest sound ?
9 . What types of music or films ____________________ you to sleep ?
10 . Have you ever experienced a ____________________ ____________________ after a long flight ?
11 . Do you think taking a power ____________________ can make you more productive ?