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1 . There was an ____________________ look on Michelle's face when I interrupted her .

2 . She was ____________________ about her friend's actions .

3 . Jeffery gave me an ____________________ look when I mentioned his mother . They have just had an argument so he felt offended .

4 . He got ____________________ after hearing that she broke the chair .

5 . We were ____________________ that the authorities didn't respond .

6 . My aunt still ____________________ about the behavior that her dad had with her mom . He was really rude with her .

7 . My mom woke up in a ____________________ ____________________ . So , don't ask her anything now .

8 . I understand that he is angry but there is no need to ____________________ ____________________ me ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

9 . I don't like my school . My classmates always end up in a ____________________ ____________________ , and it can last hours ! ! ! !