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Very important - and you'll know from this course in communication - um , you've got to be a good listener . Er , you've got to pay more ____________________ than you would when speaking to somebody in your own ____________________ to make sure that you have understood quite clearly what is being said . And one of the things that we always say to people is that , to be very sure that you've ____________________ heard what you think you·ve heard . There are some steps ) 'OU can take . It 's always a very good idea to get the individual , if you're not clear , to repeat what they've said . It may seem tedious to you , but actually it's very ____________________ to make sure that you haven't made mistakes .
I think also one of the key features of the successful international businessperson is to be non - judgemental . For instance , if you're coming from an Asian culture , er , to try and do business with , er , a ____________________ culture , er , for certain the way that people do things will be fundamentally different - er , the hierarchy , the structure , the decision - making process , the seniority and the influence of the people you're doing business with - will be fundamentally ____________________ . Er , you may not agree , you may not ____________________ of the way that business is done in another culture , but the way that people do business in that culture is as a ____________________ of many , many years of , of development and so you'll have to be ____________________ , er , that it may be not to your liking and it may be different , but it is not ____________________ .