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On a cold dark January night ____________________ I was walking home through Fenn's Forest , I had a frightening experience . I had stayed at my friend's house ____________________ late that night , so I was hurrying home . ____________________ , I heard a loud crash of thunder and it started raining heavily .
____________________ ____________________ , I panicked because I couldn't see my way clearly . I felt miserable and scared . ____________________ ____________________ , a flash of lightning lit up the sky and I saw an old building ahead of me . I walked towards it and I realised that it was a rather strange little hotel .
Half an hour ____________________ , I was in bed in one of the hotel rooms . I had decided to spend the night there because of the storm . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ I had got into bed , I heard an unusual frightening cry . I got up and saw a large black shape moving outside my window . I screamed in fear because I thought it was a ghost ! I quickly ran downstairs to ask for help .
'' Don't worry ! ''the hotel owner explained . '' I should have told you ____________________ you went up to your room . There's a noisy old owl which lives outside on the balcony . '' I went back to my room feeling a bit silly but extremely relieved at the same time . ____________________ , I was able to relax . It had been a long night !