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Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco , ____________________ , in 1955 . He co - ____________________ Apple with Steve Wozniak in 1976 . During the period Jobs was ____________________ with Apple , the company developed ____________________ and highly popular electronic products known for their elegant , simple , and user - ____________________ design . In 1986 , Jobs bought the company that would become Pixar , a studio known for its ____________________ animated movies using high - end ____________________ graphics .

Nelson mandela was born in 1918 . He was an anti - ____________________ activist and was sentenced to life ____________________ for sabotage . He spent 27 years in jail and bacame a symbol of the struggle against ____________________ . He was released in 1990 and helped make South Africa into a multiracial ____________________ . He was ____________________ of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 .