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Panic on the ____________________ , world has gone ____________________
Things are ____________________ to get ____________________
I can't help but think I haven't ____________________ this way
Since I asked you to go steady
Wonderin' , ____________________ you be , my little ____________________ ?
Or is this the way it ends ?

'Cause I told you my level of concern
But you ____________________ ____________________ like you never ____________________
And you could ____________________ ____________________ my level of concern
Just need you to tell me we're ____________________ , tell me we're okay

Panic on the ____________________ , Michael's gone ____________________
Julie starts to make me nervous
I don't really care what they ____________________ say
I'm asking you to stay
My bunker ____________________ the surface
Wonderin' , ____________________ you be , my little ____________________ ?
Or is this the way it ends ?

'Cause I told you my level of concern
But you ____________________ ____________________ like you never ____________________
And you could ____________________ ____________________ my level of concern
Just need you to tell me we're ____________________ , tell me we're okay , yeah

Tell me we're ____________________ , tell me we're okay , yeah
Tell me we're ____________________ , tell me we're okay
____________________ ____________________ my level of concern
Just need you to tell me we're ____________________ , tell me we're okay , yeah

In a world , where you could just lie to me
And I'd be okay , we'll be okay
We're gonna be oka y