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Complete this is a letter that Jero sent to Helena with the correct modal verb from the box .

Dear Helena ,
Hi ! How are you ? It was really nice to receive your letter . I was in Rosario last year and I liked your city a lot . I'm happy you are 1 ____________________ to go out and inform people about the environment . I know there is a lot of pollution in your town and in the river , too . But don't worry . You don't 2 ____________________ to be worried . There are many things you 3 ____________________ do to make people change their minds and help . Let's me give you some recommendations . First of all , you 4 ____________________ force people to listen to you . You 5 ____________________ invite them to take your leaflets . That is different . You 6 ____________________ to be respectful . If people think you are imposing ideas on them , they 7 ____________________ get angry . If you are aggressive , you 9 ____________________ probably get in trouble .
I'm sorry Helena , but I 9 ____________________ go to work now . For sure , I 10 ____________________ like to meet you when I travel to Rosario again .
Best regards ,
Jerónim o