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1 .
A : Oh , look at that dress . ____________________ it awful ?
B : Oh , I don't know . It's what's in style . ____________________ you interested in fashion ?
A : Not really . Are you ?
B : Kind of . But look at this dress . ____________________ it have something special about it ?
A : Yeah , it has something all right - a $5 , 000 price tag ! ____________________ that a bit expensive for a dress ?
B : Yeah . But being fashionable isn't cheap .

2 .
A : Are you ready yet ?
B : Yes , almost . I . . . um . . . just need to find a tie .
A : ____________________ you have lots of ties ?
B : Yeah , but they're all dirty .
A : You should wear a jacket , too , ____________________ you think ?
B : But it's warm outside . ____________________ this outfit look good ?
A : Well , . . . um , ____________________ your socks different colors ?
B : Oh , yeah . You're right . I need to find socks now , too !