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? I see no incompatibility between multiculturalism and Britishness . Britishness must be part of ____________________ . For a long time the UK has been a multicultural state composed of England , Northern Ireland , Scotland and Wales , and also a ____________________ society made up of a ____________________ range of ____________________ and identities , and one that emphasizes the need for a continuous process of mutual engagement and learning about each other with respect , understanding and ____________________ .
In other words , dual identities have been common , even before large scale ____________________ . To be British means that we respect the laws , the parliamentary and democratic political structures , traditional values of mutual tolerance and respect for equal rights . . . But Britishness does not mean a single culture . ____________________ is the co - existence of communities and unimpeded movement between them . It is not ____________________ . Britishness is a strong concept but not all embracing . ?

Trevor Phiplip s