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1 . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ I heard what he ____________________ done , the house was on fire .
2 . It was ____________________ a minute ____________________ that I remembered he had kidnapped this girl before .
3 . It never ____________________ ____________________ me that he could be a hacker .
4 . I saw him crossing the road and then my mind ____________________ ____________________ .
5 . She looked as if she was a mugger .
6 . When the car was about to run me over I could see all my life flashing before my eyes and it all ____________________ so fast .
7 . He ____________________ very tall .
8 . She ____________________ me ____________________ that famous politician .
9 . Sorry , I didn't ____________________ what you said .
10 . Did it ____________________ your ____________________ that it was an arson ?