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1 . - They are ____________________ ! , somebody stop them !
2 . - I ____________________ basketball yesterday , I'm too tired
3 . - We ____________________ tacos the last weekend in the new mexican food restaurant
4 . - Sorry dad , I'm ____________________ my homework , I can't go with you at the supermarket .
5 . - Hi , I'm ____________________ for Jhin , is he in house ?
6 . - Look ! I ____________________ a new violin , would you like to hear it ?
7 . - We are ____________________ our kites , would you like to join us ?
8 . - The neighbors ____________________ something strange in his garage the last night . . .
9 . - I ____________________ a rumor that you're talking bad about me , why ?
10 . - Kids you can't ____________________ video games and eating at the same time , finish your meal !