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Far ____________________ ____________________ the fields , ____________________ the edge ____________________ a cranberry bog , stood the hut ____________________ the Cubbins family . ____________________ the small door Bartholomew looked ____________________ the huts ____________________ the farmers ____________________ the houses ____________________ the townsfolk , then ____________________ the rich men's mansions and the noblemen's castles , ____________________ ____________________ the great towering palace ____________________ the King . It was exactly the same view that King Derwin saw ____________________ his balcony , but Bartholomew saw it backward .

It was a mighty view , but it made Bartholomew Cubbins feel mighty small .

Just ____________________ sunrise one Saturday morning Bartholomew started ____________________ town . He felt very happy . A pleasant breeze whistled ____________________ the feather ____________________ his hat . ____________________ his right hand he carried a basket ____________________ cranberries to sell ____________________ the market . He was anxious to sell them quickly and bring the money back home ____________________ his parents .

He walked faster and faster till he got ____________________ the gates ____________________ the town .

The sound ____________________ silver trumpets rang ____________________ the air . Hoof beats clattered ____________________ the cobbled streets .

? Clear the way ! Clear the way ! Make way ____________________ the King ! ?