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Hello , I am Kate . I want to write about my technological ____________________ . First i have a ____________________ . I got it from my parents in Christmas two years ago . I like it very much because you can also connect the phone to a ____________________ similar to a watch and answerr the calls . I think it is sometimes good to have my smartphone in my ____________________ .
I always listen to music in my ____________________ ____________________ , I ike it because I feel relaxed . Sometimes I use my ____________________ to do my homework and I save my files in my ____________________ . So ibring them anywhere . When I feel bored at home , I can use my ____________________ ____________________ to connect to the internet and watch movies or series on Netflix or play video games using my ____________________ ____________________ so it looks like reality . Isn´t it fantastic ?
Last year I was on a cycling holiday with my friend . We went cycling to take pictures with my ____________________ but the weather wasn´t good . It was cold and ____________________ , It starte to rain and it got dark . suddenly my friend got an ____________________ and she broke her leg . at first I didn´t know what to do , but then I thought about my smartphone , so I ____________________ for help . After ten minutes an ambulance arrived .