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Dear Jesse ,
Hi ! ____________________ name is Mike ! ____________________ am 10 years old . ____________________ have got a big family . ____________________ family is friendly and caring . ____________________ mother's name is Helen . ____________________ is 35 years old . ____________________ is a doctor . I really love ____________________ . ____________________ father's name is David . ____________________ is a teacher . ____________________ always helps ____________________ with ____________________ homework . ____________________ is really kind and I love ____________________ so much ! ____________________ have got a little brother . ____________________ name is Kevin . ____________________ is 5 years old . I always tell ____________________ scary stories at night . ____________________ is the best little brother in the world ! . ____________________ have also got a cat and a dog . ____________________ names are Tom and Spike . I love ____________________ a lot !
I must go now . ____________________ mum is calling ____________________ . Write back and tell ____________________ about ____________________ family !
Yours ,
Mik e