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When John Kasaona was a ____________________ growing up in
Namibia , his father took him into the bush to teach him
how to take care of the family's livestock . His father
said , ? If you ____________________ a cheetah eating our goat , walk up
to it and smack it on the backside . ? A cheetah is a
very nervous animal . If a person ____________________ it , it will
probably run away . John also learned how to deal with
a lion by standing very still and making himself look
very big . These were useful ____________________ for a boy who
became a wildlife conservationist . As Kasaona says ,
? it is very important if you ____________________ in the field to know what
to confront and what to run from . ?
Kasaona was ____________________ in 1971 . At that time , Namibia
had ____________________ problems . The country was at war from 1966
to 1990 . Because of the fighting , many people had
rifles . This caused a secondary problem ? poaching .
For ____________________ , poachers killed many black ____________________ for
their horns , which were very valuable . To make things
even worse , around 1980 , a terrible drought killed
people , livestock , and wildlife . By 1995 , there were only
20 lions left in the Kunene region in the northwest of
the country , where Kasaona's family ____________________ . Many other
species were also endangered .