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Singular and plural nouns

Learn This ! box : Singular and plural forms
For most nouns , we make a plural by adding - s : son / sons . But there are some exceptions :
a . When nouns end in - s , - sh , - ch , - z or - x , we add - es : bus / buses , dish / dishes , box / boxes
b . When nouns end in - o , sometimes we add - es : photo / photos , potato / potatoes
c . When nouns end in consonant + y , we change to consonant + ies : party / parties , baby / babies
* Not valid with vowel + y : day / days
d . When nouns end - f or - fe , we change to - ves : shelf / shelves
e . Some nouns have irregular plurals : foot / feet , man / men , woman / women

Activity : Read the Learn This ! box . Then write the plural forms of these nouns :
1 . Uncle : ____________________ .
2 . Address : ____________________ .
3 . Holiday : ____________________ .
4 . Video : ____________________ .
5 . Match : ____________________ .
6 . Life : ____________________ .
7 . Lady : ____________________ .
8 . Tooth : ____________________ .
9 . Mother : ____________________ .
10 . Knife : ____________________ .