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Activity 1 : Complete these phrases for expressing opinions using the words below : honest / my / really / think / view . The phrases are all in the reading text .
Expressing opinions :
1 . I ____________________ believe that ?
2 . In my ____________________ , ?
3 . To be ____________________ , ?
4 . Personally , I ____________________ ?
5 . In ____________________ opinion , ?

Activity 2 : Match the statements and opinions ( a - i ) with the people in the texts ( 1 - 5 ) . You may use some numbers more than once .
a . Bad photos on social networking sites often get unkind comments . ____________________
b . Most images in magazines and on the internet are not real because the companies change the photos . ____________________
c . Some girls worry a lot about their appearance and this makes them unhappy . ____________________
d . Some boys take drugs to make their bodies look more muscular . ____________________
e . Girls wear make - up to express their personalities . It isn't a problem . ____________________
f . Girls think it's important to look good all the time . ____________________
g . Some boys put their health in danger to try to look good . ____________________
h . A lot of teenage girls are not happy to look natural or a bit untidy . ____________________
i . Teenagers know that the photos in magazines are not real so it isn't a problem . ____________________

Reading : Impossible images ?
1 . 'Female celebrities post selfies on social media ; millions of teenage girls see them and try to copy them . They want to have the same artificial hairstyles and make - up . I really believe that this is becoming a big problem . Why ? Because girls are worrying about their appearance all the time and they're becoming unhappy . And the problem is growing . For example , teenage girls today spend 90% more on make - up that ten years ago' . Maria Baker , Professor of Sociology .
2 . 'In my view , social media networking websites like Facebook and Instagram are part of the problem . Teenagers take photos of their close friends all the time and then they put these photos on the internet . A bad photo gets unkind comments . So girls now think it's important to look good all the time . Today's teenage girls are embarrassed about looking natural or having untidy hair . They can't relax . I see this problem every day at school' . Sophie Ellis , Head Teacher .
3 . 'To be honest , this isn't just a problem of girls . Boys have pressures too . They are surrounded by images of male celebrities with muscular bodies . Suddenly , an ordinary male body is not good enough , they think , so they take dangerous drugs to make their bodies muscular . Others go on unnecessary diets ? for example , they buy special drinks because they want to be muscular . They talk about it a lot at the gym' . Bob French , Gym owner .
4 . 'A lot of teenagers try to copy images in magazines and on websites . But it's very easy to change photos on a computer . So today's teenagers are trying to copy an image that is not real . However , these tricks are not a secret these days . In fact , some companies are refusing to change their photos . They use hashtags to advertise their " real photos " on Twitter . Some people say social media is part of the problem . Personally , I think it can be part of the solution' . Luke Woods , Photographer .
5 . In my opinion , people are worrying about this too much . A lot of girls come into my shop and buy make - up . But they aren't copying celebrities . They have their own ideas and their own look . It's a way of expressing your personality . And it can be fun too ! Of course some of the images in magazines are fake . Teenagers know that ? they aren't stupid ! ' . Anna Granger , Shop owner .