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1 . A ____________________ is a large picture painted on a wall .
2 . Frank has ____________________ , or special abilities .
3 . She lives on the streets ; she is ____________________ .
4 . You can work at an animal ____________________ without pay , that is , as a ____________________ .
5 . The playground is carpeted with tiles made from recycled ____________________ .
6 . A soup ____________________ feeds homeless people .
7 . Keep your streets clean ; do not ____________________ .
8 . Pedestrians should use ____________________ and not walk in the streets .
9 . ____________________ of trash in the right place ensures a clean environment .
10 . A group of people living in the same area with common interests is a called a ____________________ .
11 . My grandfather can no longer live by himself so he lives in a ____________________ home .
12 . That company ____________________ the river by dumping chemicals in it .