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ALEX : ____________________ is it ?
Mary : it is me , Mary
ALEX : ____________________ the door , please
Alex : Hi , Mary ____________________ are you ?
MARY : I´m ok , I´m a little bit sad
ALEX : ____________________ are you sad ?
MARY : Because , I lost my english book
ALEX : ____________________ worry ! I have some books here . .
MARY : ____________________ many books do you have ?
ALEX : I found two english books this mornig , ____________________ is yours ?
MARY : ohh ! The red one is mine , thank you !
ALEX : You are welcome .
MARY : ____________________ do you go ?
ALEX : I go home
MARY : ____________________ go for an ice cream !
ALEX : ok , ____________________ flavor do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ?
MARY : I love chocolate
ALEX : ____________________ ____________________ money do you have ?
MARY : oh no , ____________________ ask about ! I invite you .
ALEX : That is nice , thanks , last time you told me about you farm , ____________________ is your farm ?
MARY : It is in la vega , cundinamarca
ALEX : ____________________ do you want to do there ?
MARY : I just want to stay with my family and my dogs
ALEX : ____________________ do you go ?
MARY : I will go to the farm this weekend , ____________________ with us ! .
ALEX : it is a great idea !