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Find all the examples of " Have got " in the dialogue and complete the Grammar box .

Max : Have you got a brother ?
Joanna : No , I haven't . But I've got a sister . Here's a photo of us . I'm on the right .
Max : Are you twins ?
Joanna : Yes , we are . But we aren't identical . Emma's got black hair , like me , but she hasn't got brown eyes .
Max : Is that your dog in the photo ?
Joanna : Yes , it is . She's called Rosie . Rosie is Emma's dog , really .
Max : How old is she ?
Joanna : She's sixteen , of course .
Max : That's very old for a dog !
Joanna : No , Emma's sixteen . Rosie is six .

Grammar box ! Verb Be

Affirmative :
I / you / we / they ____________________ got
he / she / it ____________________ got

Short form :
I / you / we / ____________________ got
he / she / ____________________ got

Negative :
I / you / we / they haven't got
he / ____________________ / ____________________ hasn't got

Interrogative :
Have I / you / we / they got ?
Has ____________________ / ____________________ / it got ?

Short Answers :
Yes , I / you / we / they ____________________ .
No , I / ____________________ / ____________________ / they haven't .
Yes , he / she / it ____________________ .
No , he / she / it hasn't .