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You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer , and Vixen ;
Comet , and Cupid , and Donner , and Blitzen .

But do you record the most famous ____________________ of all ?

Rudolph , the red - nosed ____________________
had a very shiny ____________________ .
And if you ever saw ____________________ ,
you would even ____________________ it glows .

All of the other ____________________
used to laugh and call him ____________________ .
They never let ____________________ Rudolph
play in any reindeer ____________________ .

Then one foggy Christmas ____________________
Santa came to ____________________ :
" Rudolph with your ____________________ so bright ,
won't you guide my sleigh ____________________ ? "

Then all the ____________________ loved ____________________
as they shouted out with ____________________ :
" Rudolph the red - nosed ____________________ ,
you'll go down in ____________________ ! "