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1 - The three robbers were arrested while trying to ____________________ a famous work of art .
2 - Did you hear about Jhon ? He got ____________________ in the street last night .
3 - The ____________________ demanded 1 million dollars for the relese of their hostage .
4 - Overall ____________________ figures rose by 10% last month .
5 - The ____________________ told the pilot to fly to Toronto , Canada .
6 - What time did the bank ____________________ take place ?
7 - The judge gave the ____________________ a life sentence for killing his business partner .
8 - They caught the ____________________ climbing through the window of a house .
9 - Stores and businesses were being ____________________ last night as rioting broke out downtown .
10 - Sam Franklin was ____________________ his boss . He had some very embarrassing pictures of him .