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My favourite ____________________ is the cat . Now I have a young cat at home , a ____________________ . I have to take care of it very well , because having an animal is a big responsibility . My kitten is ____________________ , when it runs I can't catch it ! He is a little bit ____________________ because he eats a lot . He likes chasing ____________________ , but he never catches them , because they are too fast for him .

Julie called me today , she wanted to invite me to the cinema , she wanted to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ with me . I didn't feel like going to the cinema , so I suggested playing ____________________ ____________________ . She has a cold , and didn't want to do sport , so she said no . She said she spent all morning ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , Batman . She loves ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ in the mountains , but as she has a cold she can't . Finally , we decided to ____________________ ____________________ , we both need new shoes .