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A : I hear you´ve applied for a promotion , Bill . What ____________________ you do if you ____________________ ____________________ it ?
B : Nothing , I ____________________ keep on doing my present job and wait for another opportunity .
A : ____________________ you look for a better job somewhere else , in another company ?
b : No . I´m getting married at the end of this year , and I don´t want any risks with my work . Anyway , they´re going to give us a roice next year because of the economic situation .
B : Well , my fiancée ____________________ be ____________________ soon . She ____________________ going to have an interview for a job tomorrow .
A : So you´re not going to start a family immediately , I assume .
B : No . Both of us ____________________ work for a few years fisrt and save money . When we have enough for a deposit on an apartment or house , we´ll start thinking of children .
A : I see . What about a drink this evening after work ?
B : Sorry . I can´t . I´m ____________________ straight home after work today . It´s my birthday , and everyone will be waiting for me for the party to begin .
A : Ah ! Well , I hope you ____________________ yourself . Don´t be late for work tomorrow !