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Dear Yoko

Let me tell you about my family . I live with my mum , my dad and my ____________________ sister . We live in California . My mum's name is Carmen . She's Mexican and she speaks English and Spanish . She's a Spanish teacher . She's ____________________ and ____________________ , she's got ____________________ , ____________________ hair and ____________________ eyes . My dad's name is David . He's American . He's tall and a little ____________________ ! He's got ____________________ ____________________ hair and ____________________ eyes . He works in a bank . My sister Shania is 14 and she loves listening to music . She listens to music all the time ! She's got ____________________ ____________________ hair and ____________________ eyes , like me . I've got ____________________ hair too . We've got a pet dog , Brandy . He's ____________________ and ____________________ and very ____________________ .

Write soon and tell me about your family .


Kell y