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Jonathan ____________________ a famous baker . He's hard - working and punctual . He always ____________________ ____________________ at three o'clock every night and bakes his products . Then he ____________________ his breakfast with his wife and ____________________ his bakery . He usually has his favorite pear marmalade for breakfast . He ____________________ many customers until afternoon . At noon , he ____________________ ____________________ at home . After lunch , he ____________________ the bakery to his son and ____________________ about two hours . He ____________________ to the shop and chats with his favorite customers . He's been the only baker in the town for quite a long time , and now he has many friends who ____________________ at his bakery . It's been the same routine for almost 25 years .

Today his daily routine is not the same . It's the last day in his bakery . He's going to retire tomorrow . He is going to be in Hawaii with his wife next week . He has already booked his tickets . His son is going to take care of the bakery . He normally ____________________ white clothes , but today ____________________ ____________________ a Hawaiian shirt . He always has a siesta after lunch , but today ____________________ ____________________ a cup of espresso with his best friend .

He's had a wonderful working life . Now , he is ready to start a new life . He ____________________ to see new places . There's a luxury liners company in town , and they ____________________ a liner every Sunday to many different exotic places around the world . Tonight , ____________________ ____________________ his journey with his wife from the harbor .

Tonight , one of the luxury liners ____________________ ____________________ the harbor . Jonathan and his wife ____________________ ____________________ on it to start their new life .