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Miss Chan loves her nephews as though they were ____________________ own children . Once she took ____________________ to the pool to swim . As soon as they reached the pool , the boys changed into ____________________ swimming trunks , took a shower and dived into the water .

The boys swam and splashed while Miss Chan sat and watched . Soon , the sun went down and Miss Chan motioned for the boys to get out of the water . ____________________ had a quick shower and went home in a taxi .

Every year , the principal ____________________ prizes to deserving pupils who have made the most improvement in their studies . Sometimes , a pupil's parents are invited to ____________________ the prize in a ceremony in the school's auditorium .

Such prizes were ____________________ to diligent pupils last month . As Ms Nuriah was ____________________ the prizes , the proud parents of the awardees went near the stage to take photographs of their children .